Apr 23, 2024

Jacob Zuma and MK Party Triumph in Series of Legal Battles with 3-0 Lead Ahead of South African Elections

This series of legal wins was capped off by a ruling from the Durban High Court on Monday, where the African National Congress (ANC) sought to prevent MK from using a name and logo reminiscent of the ANC’s disbanded military wing....

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  Apr 17, 2024

Togo's Political Tensions Escalate Over Proposed Constitutional Reforms

Under the proposed changes, while the presidency would become largely ceremonial, Gnassingbé would be eligible to remain in office until 2031, and subsequently assume a new role as the "president of the council of ministers," effectively the prime minister....

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  Apr 15, 2024

Chad's Interim President Mahamat Idriss Déby Launches Presidential Campaign

Speaking at his first campaign rally in the capital, N'Djamena, Déby, who is also a military officer, affirmed his commitment to the people....

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  Apr 15, 2024

Experts weigh in as Togo Gears Up for Legislative Elections

According to Amegakpo, this election presents a pivotal opportunity for the opposition....

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  Apr 13, 2024

Campaigning Begins in Togo as Country Prepares for Historic Regional and Legislative Elections

The focus of this election cycle is the legislative race, which is expected to play a critical role in determining the next leader of Togo....

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  Apr 12, 2024

South Africa's Electoral Commission Appeals to Constitutional Court Over Zuma's Candidacy

His reinstatement as a candidate by the Electoral Court has sparked widespread debate and necessitated a definitive interpretation of the law, prompting the Electoral Commission's appeal to the highest court in the land....

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